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Free Learners and WoC Concert on 16th September!

As summer comes to a close, as does the first year of our current learner course! In celebration of this, the Windjammers, also joined by improver band Winds of Change, shall be holding their annual concert at Thornbury United Reformed Church on Saturday 16th September at 7:30pm. Entry is free, so come along and see how much progress Heather's learners have made over the last year! Here's a photo of Heather's group at last year's annual concert.

The concert is also a great opportunity for anyone interested in the new Learner Course, due to be led by Tina Bartlett from 4th October, to speak to current members and course leaders about how the course works and what you can expect. Places are still available on the new course, as well as almost-beginners being welcome to join Heather's second-year band from mid September. For more details of our learner course head to our learner page or get in touch with us.

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